Technical Senior Officer

Aberystwyth, Ceredigion (Sir Ceredigion)
12 Jul 2019
26 Jul 2019
Contract Type
Full Time

Job Profile:
Technical Senior Officer

Organisation Overview:
EIDCymru manages data provided by Central Point Recording Centres (C.P.R.C) and sheep, deer and goat keepers. The helpdesk service supports C.P.R.C.s and keepers in Wales, in addition to the management of data submitted to the EIDCymru database, for and on behalf of Welsh Government.

EIDCymru provides a modern and robust traceability system to enable a quick and effective response in any disease outbreak. It also provides the opportunity for keepers to use the increased level of traceability to develop their business processes. EIDCymru is a wholly owned subsidiary of Hybu Cig Cymru (HCC), the strategic body responsible for the development, promotion and marketing of Welsh red meat.

The EIDCymru service is delivered by a team of Bureau Operators and Bureau Administrators working under the supervision of two Bureau Supervisors who report to the Bureau Co-ordinator.

Post Overview:
The Technical Senior Officer will be based in our Aberystwyth office and will report to the Technical Lead. The post holder will provide technical support to facilitate the uptake and implementation of electronic reporting of sheep, goat and deer movements by the abattoirs, livestock markets in Wales and to encourage the submission of electronic movement records by farmers.

The post holder will work closely with organisations and individuals to establish and maintain EIDCymru systems within their business as past of the Welsh Government Legislation.

Principal accountabilities, responsibilities and activities:
• Provide user training and technical support (in person, online and by phone) to CPRC’s and sheep, goat and deer keepers to enable the effective transfer of electronic records into the EIDCymru database.
• Communication with software vendors, CPRC’s and farmers in Wales as well as with CPRCs and Trading Standards officers located on the borders of Wales to ensure successful capture of cross border movements.
• Work alongside the Technical Lead and Bureau personnel to support and encourage the successful submission of accurate electronic records to the EIDCymru database and for troubleshooting any issues / inaccuracies that may arise at CPRCs or at farm level.
• Develop and maintain relationships with key stakeholders (abattoirs, livestock markets, software vendors and farmers).
• Work with software vendors to ensure that they have the information that they require in order to develop the interfaces necessary for the transfer of EID data via their software to the EIDCymru database.
• Encourage and support the adoption of EID reporting by sheep and goat keepers in Wales and to facilitate the move from paper-based reporting.
• Attend and present at meetings, shows and events across Wales to promote EIDCymru and encourage the uptake of electronic reporting by farmers.
• Support the development of technical materials and case study materials to facilitate the use of electronic reporting of livestock movements.


  • Degree in Agriculture or science related subject 

Experience and Skills 

  • A thorough understanding and practical experience in electronic livestock recording systems, I.T., databases and software systems.
  • A practical, in depth knowledge of the livestock industry and / or supply chains.
  • I.T. literate with a proven ability to diagnose / troubleshoot technical issues.
  • Able to work with minimum supervision
  • Excellent communication and presentation skills
  • Excellent networking and interpersonal skills, enthusiasm and drive.
  • A full valid UK driving licence is essential.


  • The ability to speak Welsh is desirable 

Click apply below for further information and to submit a copy of your application. 

Proffil Swydd:
Uwch Swyddog Technegol
Trosolwg o’r Sefydliad:
Mae EIDCymru yn rheoli data a ddarparwyd gan Ganolfannau Cofnodi Canolog (C.P.R.C) a cheidwaid defaid, ceirw a geifr. Mae gwasanaeth y ddesg gymorth yn cefnogi C.P.R.C a cheidwaid yng Nghymru; yn ogystal â rheoli’r data a gyflwynir i gronfa ddata EID Cymru, ar gyfer Llywodraeth Cymru ar eu rhan.
Mae EID Cymru yn darparu system olrhain fodern a chadarn i alluogi ymateb cyflym ac effeithiol mewn unrhyw achos o glefyd. Mae hefyd yn darparu cyfle i geidwaid ddefnyddio'r lefel gynyddol o olrhain i ddatblygu eu prosesau busnes. Mae EID Cymru yn is-gwmni sydd ym mherchnogaeth lwyr Hybu Cig Cymru (HCC), sef y corff strategol sy'n gyfrifol am ddatblygu, hyrwyddo a marchnata cig coch Cymru.
Cyflenwir gwasanaeth EIDCymru gan dîm o Weithredwyr Biwro a Gweinyddwyr Biwro sy'n gweithio dan oruchwyliaeth dau Oruchwyliwr Biwro sy'n adrodd i Gydlynydd y Biwro.
Trosolwg o’r Swydd:
Bydd yr Uwch Swyddog Technegol wedi'i leoli yn ein swyddfa yn Aberystwyth a bydd yn atebol i'r Arweinydd Technegol. Bydd deiliad y swydd yn darparu cymorth technegol i hwyluso’r defnydd a rhediad y broses o gyflwyno adroddiadau electronig ar symud defaid, geifr a cheirw i'r lladd-dai, y marchnadoedd da byw yng Nghymru ac annog i gyflwyno cofnodion symud electronig erbyn ffermwyr.
Bydd deiliad y swydd yn gweithio'n agos gyda sefydliadau ac unigolion i sefydlu a chynnal systemau EIDCymru o fewn eu busnes fel rhan o ddeddfwriaeth Llywodraeth Cymru.
Prif atebolrwydd, cyfrifoldebau a gweithgareddau:
• Darparu hyfforddiant defnyddwyr a chymorth technegol (yn bersonol, ar-lein ac ar y ffôn) i CPRC a cheidwaid defaid, geifr a cheirw er mwyn gallu trosglwyddo cofnodion electronig yn effeithiol i gronfa ddata EIDCymru.
• Cyfathrebu â gwerthwyr meddalwedd, CPRC a ffermwyr yng Nghymru yn ogystal â CPRC a swyddogion Safonau Masnach ar ffiniau Cymru er mwyn sicrhau bod symudiadau trawsffiniol yn cael eu cofnodi’n llwyddiannus.
• Gweithio ar y cyd â’r Arweinydd Technegol a phersonél y Biwro i gefnogi ac annog cyflwyno cofnodion electronig cywir i gronfa ddata EIDCymru ac i
ddatrys problemau unrhyw faterion/anghywirdebau a all godi ar lefel CPRC neu ar lefel y fferm.
• Meithrin a chynnal cysylltiadau gyda rhanddeiliaid allweddol (lladd-dai, marchnadoedd da byw, gwerthwyr meddalwedd a ffermwyr).
• Gweithio gyda gwerthwyr meddalwedd i sicrhau bod ganddynt y wybodaeth sydd ei hangen arnynt er mwyn datblygu'r rhyngwynebau sy'n angenrheidiol ar gyfer trosglwyddo data EID drwy eu meddalwedd i gronfa ddata EIDCymru.
• Annog a chefnogi'r gwaith o gyflwyno adroddiadau tagio electronig gan geidwaid defaid a geifr yng Nghymru a hwyluso'r newid o adrodd ar bapur.
• Mynychu a chyflwyno mewn cyfarfodydd, sioeau a digwyddiadau ledled Cymru i hyrwyddo EIDCymru ac annog ffermwyr i ddefnyddio adroddiadau electronig.
• Cefnogi'r gwaith o ddatblygu deunyddiau technegol a deunyddiau astudiaeth achos er mwyn hwyluso'r defnydd o gyflwyno adroddiadau electronig ar symudiadau da byw.
Manyleb y Person:
Uwch Swyddog Technegol
Meini Prawf Hanfodol
Meini Prawf Dymunol
Gradd mewn Amaethyddiaeth neu bwnc gwyddoniaeth cysylltiedig.
Profiad a Sgiliau
Dealltwriaeth drylwyr a phrofiad ymarferol mewn systemau cofnodi da byw electronig, TG, cronfeydd data a systemau meddalwedd.
Gwybodaeth ymarferol, fanwl am y diwydiant da byw a/neu gadwyni cyflenwi.
Llythrennog o ran TG gyda gallu amlwg i ddarganfod/datrys materion technegol.
Y gallu i weithio heb fawr ddim goruchwyliaeth
Sgiliau cyfathrebu a chyflwyno ardderchog
Brwdfrydedd, cymhelliant a sgiliau rhyngbersonol ardderchog.
Trwydded yrru ddilys lawn ar gyfer y DU yn hanfodol.
Mae’r gallu i siarad Cymraeg yn ddymunol