20 Apr 2018
11 May 2018
Contract Type
Full Time



We have an exciting opportunity to help shape the future of the NHS workforce in Wales. Why not show that you have the ability to make a real difference in the delivery of patient care through education and improved support for health bodies?

HEIW will operate in shadow form from 1 April 2018 and will become fully operational on 1 October 2018. It will work with NHS Wales to lead an improved, strategic approach to planning and commissioning of the future workforce.   In order to meet the challenge of creating a strategic approach to developing the Welsh health workforce now and for the future, building a truly multidisciplinary approach to our health service, we are looking for a dynamic Chair to lead the Board of HEIW.

HEIW will recognise the value of all professionals in the sector, working to provide raised standards of training and skills to every student or trainee. Further, it is expected that HEIW will develop, over time, significant expertise in workforce intelligence and the shape of the workforce, offering other health bodies leadership and advice on role and team design to maximise performance. HEIW will work closely with partner bodies, such as Higher Education Funding Council for Wales and Social Care Wales, in relevant areas of its work to develop an integrated view of workforce needs now and in the future across the health sector. Crucially, the new body will also set the task of leading the work to promote the health service in Wales as a premier career choice, across all roles and across all of Wales.

The role of Chair

The Chair will hold the Chief Executive of HEIW to account and are themselves accountable to the Cabinet Secretary for Health and Social Services for the performance and effective governance of the Health Authority. They will up hold the values of NHS Wales and promote the confidence of the public.

The Chair will provide strong, effective and visible leadership, ensuring the effective delivery of the organisations visions, aims and objectives whilst maintaining the highest quality of health standards and practices.

Appointments will be made on merit although consideration will be given to the need to establish a balanced skills mix to the Board.

The Chair will be appointed for up to a four (4) year period. The post is based on a notional time commitment of a minimum of fourteen (14.5), however this will be subject to organisational demands so may be higher than the minimum requirement, with a salary of £43,326.

We are particularly interested in hearing from under-represented groups such as women, disabled people and ethnic minority individuals and the skills you have to make a contribution in these roles.

For more information or to apply go to

Please note that the closing date is 11 May 2018.



Rydym yn cynnig cyfle cyffrous i gyfrannu at y gwaith o lywio dyfodol gweithlu'r GIG yng Nghymru. Dyma'ch cyfle i ddangos bod gennych y gallu i wneud gwahaniaeth go iawn i'r gofal a ddarperir i gleifion, drwy wella'r cymorth a'r addysg a ddarperir i gyrff iechyd.

Bydd Addysg a Gwella Iechyd Cymru (AaGIC) ar waith mewn modd cysgodol o 1 Ebrill 2018, cyn dod yn gwbl weithredol ar 1 Hydref 2018. Bydd yn gweithio gyda GIG Cymru i arwain dull gweithredu gwell a strategol ar gyfer cynllunio a chomisiynu gweithlu'r dyfodol. Er mwyn ymateb i'r her o greu dull gweithredu strategol ar gyfer datblygu gweithlu iechyd Cymru, heddiw ac ar gyfer y dyfodol, gan sicrhau bod ein gwasanaethau iechyd yn gweithredu mewn modd gwirioneddol amlddisgyblaethol, rydym yn chwilio am gadeirydd deinamig i arwain Bwrdd AaGIC.

Bydd AaGIC yn cydnabod gwerth cyfraniad holl weithwyr proffesiynol y sector, gan weithio i wella safonau hyfforddiant a sgiliau i bob myfyriwr neu hyfforddai. Yn ogystal â hynny, disgwylir i AaGIC ddatblygu, dros gyfnod o amser, arbenigedd sylweddol mewn gwybodaeth am y gweithlu a ffurf ein gweithlu, gan gynnig arweiniad i gyrff iechyd a chyngor ar gynllunio swyddogaethau a thimau i sicrhau'r perfformiad gorau posibl. Bydd AaGIC yn gweithio'n agos gyda chyrff sy'n bartneriaid, megis Cyngor Cyllido Addysg Uwch Cymru a Gofal Cymdeithasol Cymru, yn y meysydd gwaith perthnasol i ddatblygu dirnadaeth integredig o anghenion y gweithlu nawr ac yn y dyfodol, ar draws y sector iechyd. Hefyd bydd yn rhaid i'r corff newydd fod yn gyfrifol am y dasg o arwain y gwaith o hyrwyddo gwasanaeth iechyd Cymru fel dewis cyntaf o ran gyrfa, ar draws pob swyddogaeth ac ar draws Cymru gyfan.

Rôl y Cadeirydd

Bydd Prif Weithredwr AaGIC yn atebol i chi fel Cadeirydd, a byddwch chi fel Cadeirydd yn atebol i Ysgrifennydd y Cabinet dros Iechyd a Gwasanaethau Cymdeithasol am berfformiad a llywodraethiant effeithiol yr Awdurdod Iechyd. Bydd yn cynnal gwerthoedd GIG Cymru ac yn hybu hyder ymysg y cyhoedd.

Bydd y Cadeirydd yn darparu arweinyddiaeth gref, effeithiol, a gweladwy, gan sicrhau bod gweledigaethau, nodau ac amcanion y sefydliad yn cael eu gwireddu'n effeithiol. Ar yr un pryd bydd yn cynnal safonau ac arferion iechyd o'r ansawdd uchaf.

Gwneir penodiadau ar sail teilyngdod ond rhoddir ystyriaeth i'r angen i gael amrywiaeth gytbwys o sgiliau ar y Bwrdd.

Penodir y Cadeirydd am gyfnod o hyd at bedair (4) blynedd. Mae'r swydd yn seiliedig ar ymrwymiad amser tybiedig o 14.5 diwrnod y mis o leiaf, ond bydd hynny'n amodol ar ofynion y sefydliad a gallai fod yn fwy na'r isafswm gofynnol, gyda chyflog o £43,326.

Mae gennym ddiddordeb arbennig mewn clywed gan grwpiau sydd heb gynrychiolaeth ddigonol, megis menywod, pobl anabl, ac unigolion o leiafrifoedd ethnig, ac i glywed am y sgiliau sydd gennych i gyfrannu at y rôl hon.