Svensk Client Service Associate - basniv?? (Swedish Client Service

Fisher Investments
Gerrards Cross
02 Jun 2022
30 Jun 2022
Multi lingual
Contract Type
Full Time
Om du vill s??ka den h??r tj??nsten, v??nligen ans??k med ett CV p?? engelska.

Dina m??jligheter:

Som svensk Client Service Associate ??r du en del av ett energiskt team som hanterar dagliga ??renden hos en globalt framst??ende privatkapitalf??rvaltare. Vi uppmuntrar dig att st??lla fr??gor, f??rb??ttra processer och f??resl?? nya l??sningar. Vi utv??rderar medarbetare baserat p?? deras meriter, och investerar i kompetensutveckling f??r att hj??lpa medarbetare att v??xa och g??ra karri??r inom f??retaget.

Ju mer v??rde du tillf??r, desto snabbare kan du g?? vidare till mer avancerade m??jligheter. Det ??r s?? v??ra h??gsta chefer kom dit de ??r i dag, och vi tror att du kan g??ra samma resa. Faktum ??r att vi hoppas att du avancerar till n??sta roll inom f??retaget efter tv?? eller fler ??r - det ??r helt normalt f??r framg??ngsrika medarbetare.


Ingen dag ??r den andra lik i den h??r rollen! R??kna med en dynamisk arbetsdag d??r du samarbetar med s??ljare, investeringsr??dgivare och m??nga andra. I din roll kommer du att
  • samarbeta direkt med ledande banker (som ??r v??ra f??rvaringsinstitut) f??r att bist?? med administrativa och operativa arbetsuppgifter
  • f?? exponering mot verksamheten i andra europeiska l??nder
  • hj??lpa investeringsr??dgivare hantera kundrelationer genom att arbeta med ??renden som r??r befintliga kunder
  • hj??lpa till att ta fram rapporter baserat p?? presumtiva kunders r??dande situation
  • vara direktkontakt f??r eller expert p?? flera olika omr??den f??r att utveckla din kompetens, n??r du vuxit i rollen och f??r mer ansvar
  • ha en teamchef som n??rmaste chef som guidar dig och hj??lper dig att utveckla din kompetens
Dina kvalifikationer:
  • universitetsexamen eller motsvarande kombination av utbildning och erfarenhet (finans/nationalekonomi/f??retagsekonomi ??r ett plus)
  • svenska (flytande/modersm??lsniv??) och engelska (flytande)
  • god kommunikation med en rad olika m??lgrupper via telefon och e-post, med fokus p?? kundservice
  • god f??rm??ga att arbeta i en milj?? med fokus p?? lagarbete
  • f??rm??ga att leverera h??g kvalitet inom utsatt tid
Varf??r Fisher Investments Europe?

Den globala Fisher-organisationen s??rskiljer sig genom att s??tta kunderna f??rst och att ge o??vertr??ffad service med en personligt anpassad investeringsmetod. Du kommer att se att vi agerar i linje med kundernas intressen med hj??lp av en enkel och transparent avgiftsstruktur och erk??nda europeiska f??rvaringsinstitut.

Det ??r medarbetarna som g??r Fishers m??l m??jliga, och vi erbjuder en rad f??rm??ner f??r att hj??lpa v??ra medarbetare att n?? sina l??ngsiktiga m??l. H??r ??r n??gra exempel:
  • 100 % t??ckning av premiekostnaderna f??r kompletterande l??karv??rd och tandv??rd f??r dig och dina kvalificerade familjemedlemmar*
  • 28 dagars semester om ??ret, som ??kar till 30 dagar efter fem ??rs anst??llning, och m??jlighet att k??pa upp till tre extra semesterdagar
  • ??rlig h??lsokontroll f??r dig och dina kvalificerade familjemedlemmar*
  • tj??nstepension p?? 9 %, och f??retaget matchar extra inbetalningar p?? upp till 5 %
  • tv?? metoder att v??lja mellan f??r pensionssparandet
  • m??natlig gymsubvention* och Cyclescheme-program
  • r??ntefritt l??n f??r s??songskort i kollektivtrafiken, tillg??ngligt efter 6 m??naders anst??llning**
  • frivillig global resef??rs??kring f??r aff??rs- och privatresor, inklusive vintersport
  • tv?? h??lsoprogram (kostnadsfria, konfidentiella och tillg??ngliga dygnet runt)
  • f??rst??rkt moderskapspenning, tillg??nglig efter 12 m??naders kontinuerlig anst??llning
  • en arbetsmilj?? som pr??glas av samarbete, med l??pande kompetensutveckling, fortbildningsst??d och evenemang f??r att tacka medarbetarna
Vi ??r stolta ??ver v??r inkluderande kultur. Vi v??rdes??tter de perspektiv och unika f??rdigheter som du bidrar med till teamet - vi blir alla b??ttre av det. Framg??ng hos Fisher Investments bygger p?? resultat, samarbetsf??rm??ga och en vilja att ??stadkomma stord??d - s?? om du ??r redo f??r det ??r vi redo f??r dig! Ans??k i dag och bli en del av ett lag d??r du g??r skillnad i m??nniskors liv genom att bygga en b??ttre investeringsv??rld.


*Anst??llda ansvarar f??r all skatt f??r naturaf??rm??n i enlighet med det brittiska skatteverkets (HMRC) definitioner

**Endast tillg??ngligt f??r heltidsanst??llda med ett anst??llningsavtal p?? minst 12 m??nader

The Opportunity:

As a Swedish Client Service Associate, you will be a part of an energetic environment managing daily tasks at one of the world's preeminent private money managers. You are encouraged to ask questions, improve processes, and propose fresh solutions. We base your evaluation performance on meritocracy and invest in employee development to help progression and growth within the firm.

The more value you can add, the quicker you will be on your way to earning more advanced opportunities. That is how our top executives got there, and we think you can do it too. In fact, we hope you will promote to your next role within 2 or more years (a typical outcome for successful employees).

The Day-to-Day:

Every day in this role is different! Expect a dynamic day where you will liaise Sale Representatives, Investment Counsellors, and many other parties. You will:
  • Partner directly with top banks (who are our custodians) to assist with administrative and operational tasks
  • Gain exposure to other European countries' businesses
  • Help Investment Counsellors with relationship management by working with existing clients on operational inquiries
  • Help produce reports based on the current situation of prospective clients
  • Be a direct contact or expert in multiple subjects to develop your skills once you assume more responsibility
  • Report to your client Service Team Leader who will aid in your on-the-job training and professional development
Your Qualifications:
  • A university degree or equivalent combination of education and experience (Finance/Economics/Business is a plus)
  • Native/Fluent Swedish and English skills
  • You can connect with a wide array of audiences by phone and email with a focus on client service
  • Work well in a collaborative, team-oriented setting
  • Commitment to maintain quality of work while sticking to a timeline
Why Fisher Investments Europe

The global Fisher organisation distinguishes itself by putting clients first, providing unmatched service, and taking a personalised approach to investing. You can feel confident knowing that we align with our clients' best interests by using a simple and transparent fee structure and recognised European custodians.

It's the people that make the Fisher purpose possible, and to help our employees meet their long-term goals, we offer an array of benefits, including:
  • 100% coverage of the supplemental medical and dental premiums for you and your qualified dependents*
  • 28 days annual leave, increasing to 30 after 5 years of service, with the ability to purchase up to 3 additional days
  • Annual Health Screening for you and your qualified dependents*
  • 9% company pension contribution with an additional company match up to 5%
  • Two Pension Contributions methods to choose from
  • Monthly gym subsidy* and Cyclescheme programme
  • Interest-free season ticket loan available for purchase upon six months of employment**
  • Voluntary worldwide business and leisure travel insurance, including winter sports
  • Two Wellness Programmes (free, confidential and available 24/7)
  • Enhanced maternity pay subject to 12-months continuous service
  • A collaborative working environment that practises ongoing training, educational support and employee appreciation events
We take great pride in our inclusive culture. We value the different perspectives and unique skills you bring to the team - it makes us all better. Success at Fisher Investments is motivated by results, a collaborative mindset and a commitment to accomplishing great things - so if you are ready to do that, we are ready for you! Apply today to be a part of a team environment where you make a difference in the lives of people by bettering the investment universe.


*Employees responsible for any benefit-in-kind taxes as classed by the HMRC

**Available only to regular full-time employees with at least a 12-month contract

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