Pennaeth y Rhaglen Wella /Head of the Improvement Programme

Welsh Local Government Association
Cardiff, Cardiff (Caerdydd)
Graddfa - Grade 7 – SCP 50-52 (£51,603- £59,358)
12 May 2021
24 May 2021
Public Sector
Contract Type
Full Time

Ynglŷn â’r Swydd

Mae hon yn swydd newydd gyffrous o fewn Cymdeithas Llywodraeth Leol Cymru, gan weithio gyda'r Pennaeth Polisi (Gwella a Llywodraethu), i ddatblygu ac arwain rhaglen newydd uchelgeisiol o gefnogaeth dan arweiniad y sector i lywodraeth leol. Byddwch yn gallu addasu, yn hyblyg, arloesol ac ymatebol a sensitif i’r heriau a'r amgylchedd wleidyddol ble mae awdurdodau lleol yn gweithredu.

Gan weithio mewn partneriaeth â Phrif Swyddog Digidol llywodraeth leol a Data Cymru a gweithio'n agos gyda CLlL, bydd Pennaeth y Rhaglen Wella a’r tîm yn comisiynu a darparu ystod o gefnogaeth i awdurdodau lleol i gefnogi aelodau a datblygu arweinyddiaeth, hyrwyddo llywodraethu corfforaethol effeithiol, gwelliant a trawsnewid i yrru gwelliant parhaus a gwneud y defnydd gorau o adnoddau.

Bydd y swydd yn goruchwylio ac yn darparu cefnogaeth sensitif yn aml a her cyfaill beirniadol i uwch aelodau a swyddogion mewn llywodraeth leol a bydd yn gyfrifol am sefydlu a chydlynu rhaglen herio a chefnogi cymheiriaid (gan gynnwys asesiadau panel statudol newydd) i awdurdodau lleol yng Nghymru.

Swydd o dan gyfyngiadau gwleidyddol:  Ydy

Cymraeg yn hanfodol: Na. Mae’r gallu i siarad ac ysgrifennu Cymraeg yn rhugl yn ddymunol ar gyfer y swydd hon.


Rhaglen Wella CLlLC

Mae Llywodraeth Cymru wedi cytuno i roi grant blynyddol o £800,000 i CLlLC i gefnogi gwelliant a arweinir gan y sector. Mae gan Lywodraeth Cymru ddisgwyliad clir y bydd y grant ar gyfer 2021-22 yn cael ei ddefnyddio i gefnogi cynghorau i weithredu Deddf Llywodraeth Leol ac Etholiadau (Cymru) 2021. Hefyd mae Llywodraeth Cymru yn rhoi grantiau blynyddol a gaiff eu rheoli ar wahân o £200,000 i CLlLC i gefnogi gweithgareddau datgarboneiddio cynghorau a £500,000 i gefnogi arweinyddiaeth ddigidol a thrawsnewid drwy’r Prif Swyddog Digidol a’r Uned Gyflawni.  

Mae ymagwedd CLlLC i welliant a arweinir gan y sector wedi ei gefnogi gan arweinwyr a phrif weithredwyr. Caiff cefnogaeth a arweinir gan y sector ei phriodoli ar y cysyniad o gymorth ar y cyd, gyda chydweithwyr gwleidyddol a phroffesiynol o fewn y sector yn darparu capasiti, cefnogaeth a her adeiladol i fynd i’r afael â heriau’n ymwneud â gwelliant neu i gefnogi arloesedd a thrawsnewid. Mae manteision her a chefnogaeth cymheiriaid yn ddeublyg: mae awdurdod yn elwa o dderbyn safbwyntiau arbenigol a phrofiadol cymheiriaid i fynd i’r afael â mater penodol neu ymgymryd â phroses asesu/herio, ac mae'r cymheiriaid sy'n cymryd rhan yn profi ymagweddau, diwylliannau a datrysiadau sefydliadau eraill ac yn dod â mewnwelediad a dysgu sefydliadol, personol neu broffesiynol newydd yn ôl.

Mae gan Lywodraeth Cymru ddisgwyliad clir y bydd grant 2021-22 yn cael ei ddefnyddio i gefnogi cynghorau i weithredu Deddf Llywodraeth Leol ac Etholiadau (Cymru) 2021. Fe fydd y rhaglen wella yn ystod 2021-22 yn canolbwyntio ar lywodraethu corfforaethol a galluogrwydd, er bod yna drafodaethau parhaus gydag adrannau Llywodraeth Cymru ynglŷn â chefnogaeth benodol i wasanaethau, er enghraifft gydag addysg a’r gwasanaethau cymdeithasol.

Mae’r grant gwella yn rhoi cefnogaeth a ddarperir yn uniongyrchol drwy CLlLC a Data Cymru a chefnogaeth sydd wedi ei chomisiynu drwy bartneriaid neu ddarparwyr allanol o amgylch pedair thema graidd, cynnig cyffredin sydd ar gael i’r holl gynghorau – yn canolbwyntio ar greu capasiti corfforaethol cryf a galluogrwydd gyda chynghorau o dan bedair blaenoriaeth ryngddibynnol:

  • Adferiad yn dilyn Pandemig COVID19
  • Democratiaeth Leol a Datblygiad Aelodau;
  • Llywodraethu Corfforaethol a Pherfformiad; a
  • Galluogrwydd Corfforaethol. 

Mae CLlLC hefyd yn darparu cefnogaeth ragweithiol ac adweithiol i’r cynghorau hynny sydd angen cefnogaeth fwy dwys a phwrpasol i’w helpu i wella agweddau o’u busnes. 

Fe fydd gweithgareddau gwella CLlLC yn cael eu cyflawni drwy wasanaethau a ddarperir gan Data Cymru a thîm gwella estynedig o 6 aelod o staff, a fydd yn atebol i’r Pennaeth Polisi (Gwella a Llywodraethu), gan gynnwys dwy rôl Swyddog Polisi a Gwella sy’n bodoli eisoes a phedair swydd newydd sef: Pennaeth y Rhaglen Wella; dau Swyddog Gwella ac Uwch Swyddog Cefnogi Rhaglen a Chymheiriaid.


About the Role

This is an exciting new role within the Welsh Local Government Association, working with the Head of Policy (Improvement and Governance), to develop and lead an ambitious new programme of sector-led support to local government. You will be adaptive, flexible, innovative and responsive and sensitive to the challenges and political environment in which local authorities operate.

Working in partnership with the Chief Digital Officer for local government and Data Cymru and working closely with the LGA, the Head of the Improvement and team will commission and provide a range of support to local authorities to support member and leadership development, promote effective corporate governance, improvement and transformation to drive continuous improvement and make optimal use of resources.

The role will oversee and provide often sensitive support and critical friend challenge to senior members and officers in local government and will be responsible for establishing and coordinating a peer challenge and support programme (including new statutory panel assessments) to local authorities in Wales.

Politically Restricted:  Yes

Welsh Language essential: No. The ability to speak and write fluently is desirable for this role.


WLGA Improvement Programme

The Welsh Government has agreed to provide the WLGA with an annual grant of £800,000 to support sector-led improvement. The Welsh Government has a clear expectation that the 2021-22 grant will be used to support councils in the implementation of the Local Government and Elections (Wales) Act 2021. In addition, the Welsh Government provides WLGA with separately managed annual grants of £200,000 to support councils’ decarbonisation activities and £500,000 to support digital leadership and transformation through the Chief Digital Officer and Delivery Unit.  

The WLGA’s approach to sector-led improvement has been endorsed by leaders and chief executives. Sector-led support is predicated on the concept of mutual aid, with political and professional colleagues within the sector providing capacity, support and constructive challenge to address improvement challenges or to support innovation and transformation. The benefits of peer challenge and support are twofold: an authority benefits from receiving expert and experienced peer perspectives in tackling a specific issue or undertaking an assessment/challenge process; and the participating peers are experience other organisations’ approaches, cultures and solutions and brings back new organisational, personal or professional insights and learning.

The Welsh Government has a clear expectation that the 2021-22 grant will be used to support councils in the implementation of the Local Government and Elections (Wales) Act 2021. The improvement programme during 2021-22 will focus on corporate governance and capability, though there are ongoing discussions with Welsh Government departments about service specific support, for example in education and social services.

The improvement grant provides directly delivered support through the WLGA and Data Cymru and commissioned support through external deliverers or partners around four core themes, a universal offer available to all councils – focused on building strong corporate capacity and capability with councils under four interdependent priorities:

  • COVID19 Pandemic Recovery;
  • Local Democracy and Member Development;
  • Corporate Governance and Performance; and
  • Corporate Capability. 

The WLGA also provides proactive and reactive support for those councils who need more intensive and dedicated support to help them improve aspects of their business. 

The WLGA’s improvement activities will be delivered through services provided by Data Cymru and an expanded improvement team of 6 members of staff, reporting to the Head of Policy (Improvement and Governance), including two existing Policy and Improvement Officer roles and four new posts of: Head of the Improvement Programme; two Improvement Officers; and a Peer and Senior Programme Support Officer.


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