BUUK Infrastructure

About BUUK Infrastructure

GTC is part of the BUUK Infrastructure Group, the leading provider of last‐mile multi-utility networks in the UK, employing more than 2000 people and operating networks serving more than 2 million homes.


As a group we are used to being first, it’s in our DNA. First to break into new markets and the first independent company to own utility networks. We achieved this first with gas, then electricity, district energy, water, wastewater, and fibre broadband.


We invest long-term in our utility networks, so we understand the importance of constructing quality assets and getting it right first time. As a group, we construct, own, and operate all the utility networks for a development – providing the investment and expertise to lower the upfront installation costs, and deliver first-class utility infrastructure to our customers. GTC’s sister company, Power On, specialises in electricity and fibre for inner-city residential and high-rise developments, whilst Metropolitan provides innovative heat network solutions.

1 job with BUUK Infrastructure