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Questions to Ask at Interviews

Published on: 2 Nov 2020

Arming yourself with insightful, intelligent questions is vital for interview success. Here's our top tips.

Questions to Ask at Interviews

Once an interview comes to a close, the employer, recruiter or hiring manager will inevitably ask you the final dreaded question: “Do you have any questions?”

Whatever you do, don’t happily respond with “Nope, I’m good”.  There’s nothing that says total disinterest more than having no questions prepared. This is your chance to show them that you’re enthusiastic about working for them and that you’ve actually researched the company as well as the position itself.

Here are some questions that will undoubtedly charm them into thinking you’re that keen.

When can I expect to hear from you and what are the next steps?

We’ve all been there – you’ve come to the end of the interview, and you’re wondering how you’ve done and when you’ll hear back from the employer. If they haven’t volunteered this information yet, then do ask about the next stage in the process. This way, you won’t have to wait in suspense for the ever-elusive phone call, plus you’ll have an idea of what to expect next, as every company’s application/interview process is different.

Do you have any doubts about whether I am suited to this position?

This is a bit of a brazen question, but it will help clarify any reservations they might have about you (which you can then address) in addition to reaffirming why you are in fact the right person for the role.

Is there an opportunity to grow within the company?

While you don’t want it to sound like you’re only concerned with career progression, asking about an opportunity for growth shows that you want to stay with the company for the long haul, and that you’re likely to contribute in a meaningful way. They want someone who’s ambitious and who won’t rest on their laurels – so make sure you convey that you’re passionate and ready to give it your all!

Is this a new role or is it an existing one?

This question should hopefully give you a better idea of what the role entails. If it just so happens to be a new role, then most likely you’ll have plenty of opportunity to help establish the breadth and scope of the work involved (which is very exciting!) This also means there will be plenty of room for trial and error as you figure out what works and what doesn’t.

If you’re replacing someone, however, then this means the groundwork has already been laid out for you. You can always inquire about any exiting responsibilities and whether or not you’d be able to expand on them.

Can you tell me more about the company?

This will show that you have a vested interest in the company, and it will also give you an opportunity to phrase the question in a way that shows you’ve familiarised yourself with their history. However, don't go to the interview without knowing the basics about what the company does.

In what way do you measure performance?

This question shows that you’re goal oriented and results-driven, a quality that all employers can appreciate.