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4 Hobbies & Interests Employers Like to See on a CV

Published on: 20 Jul 2018


Racking your brains on what to put down for you hobbies and interests on your CV – or debating whether to include them at all? There’s no right or wrong answer, but it can make the difference between being just another name on a CV to an interesting multi-dimensional person.


Don’t include hobbies and interests…

If your hobbies don’t add any value to your personal qualities, and are completely unrelated to the job you’re applying for, don’t waste the space. Don’t forget to do your research on the company first; many have information about their employee’s interests on their website or social media.


Include hobbies and interests on your CV when…

They add more qualities to your personality, such as the ability to work as part of a team or your creativity. The great thing about adding your hobbies and interests on your CV is that it can also help employers to identify if you would fit in with the team.


4 Hobbies that Employers Like to See…

1. Performing arts

Experience in the performing arts, such as amateur dramatics, can demonstrate that you’re confident, creative and great at public speaking. These skills can be hard for employers to find, and are useful for a wide range of jobs, making you stand out like a Hollywood star.

2. Sports 

Being part of a sports team shows commitment, focus and the ability to multi-task, all of which are key qualities many businesses look for. If you’ve been team captain or taken an active role in the organisation, don’t forget to include that in your CV too. This will show that you can manage and lead a team, as well as having fantastic organisation skills.

3. A relevant interest/hobby

Cater your hobbies and interests to the job you’re applying for. If you’re applying for a culinary role, including your weekly cooking course is more relevant than your love of dogs. Don’t be discouraged if you’re not directly involved in an activity related to the industry, even if you have an interest (and you can demonstrate it at interview) there’s no harm in including it on your CV.

4. Volunteering

Volunteering experience on your CV can go a long way, especially when applying for charities or non-profit organisations. Showing that you enjoy giving something back to the community portrays you as a caring, well-rounded person. Many other companies also have their own charity initiatives, so this will show the employer that you would fit in to the culture and get involved.


Need more help writing your CV? Check out our ultimate guide here.